Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Creating Personal Web-cost Rp. 0, - (Private Domain, Web Host, E-Mail Forwarding, Sub Domains, MySQL 5 Database, FTP, CPanel)

. Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Steps one:

  1. Creating an e-mail
  2. Creating domain
  3. Webhost

Creating an e-mail

  1. This step is necessary if you do not already have an email
  2. I suggest you to create a new email account at gmail for use in this step. Why gmail?, Why:

  • Can be used for Mail-Forwarding
  • Gmail account can be camouflaged into the email account to use our personal domain name (example yanfutaki @ gmail.com email disguised to yanfutaki@yanfutaki.co.cc)

Creating an email account at gmail.com

  1. Open a web browser
  2. Open the address http://www.gmail.com
  3. Click on the link Sign up for Gmail

The contents of the data needed to create a new email account. (see examples in next slide 2)

If the data has been completed, click the button "I accept. Create my Account "at the bottom of form filling

If the email account setup is successful, it will display the following screen.

'Klik link “I’m ready – show me my account”

New email account

Creating an email account is complete.

Please remember, your email account name. In this case as an example is yanfutaki@gmail.com


  • Domain is used for enabling people to memorize a server.
  • Common domains (. Net,. Com, etc.) usually pay.
  • Because we will make is to simply learn to make a web, it is better to learn before using a free domain name.

Open a web server
Write the address: http://www.co.cc

Click on the link "Create an account now"

  • The contents of the data to account for it.
  • For example see the next slide 2

Click the "Create an account now" at the bottom of the form filling

If your successful registration, it will display a screen to "manage domain '

To create a new domain name, click one of the links "Getting a new domain"

Enter the desired domain name. See example.

Click the "Check Availability"

See status of domain

Click the "Continue to Registration" if it has been in accordance with the wishes

If the domain creation is successful, it will appear like the screen below.

Click the "Setup" to do domain settings

Alica domain settings-rancah.co.cc

Manage DNS

You are entitled to set the domain, sub domain, Mail Exchanger (MX), Alias (A).Although we do not have their own control computer

Zone Records

Can be done only if you have a DNS server on the internet connected.

URL Forwarding

Just take the lead (forwarding) to a particular address if the domain is called.

Select 1. Manage DNS

For the next we will make a free hosting, okay wait a minute yes article ..

(good luck)

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