Read More, here's what I use to make my articles appear only titles with one or two paragraph only, and to view the entire article you must click on the link that reads -> "Read more ..." . For the new post of the article only one or two articles may beconsidered not only need to cut of the article, but if the later is a lot of articles, then there may be want to create this menu.
To make the menu more we need to add some HTML code in the template to ourblog. But for this post, for bloggers who are using a classic template, to use the new template please wait on the post that will come.
Please follow these steps:
* Login to with your id
* Click the menu labeled Templates
* Click the Edit HTML
* Do not forget to copy the entire code of the property template ago in notepad and paste and save, to make a back up data. This is when the error occurred in the template after our brain especial, we still have thebackup data to restore it.
* Copy the HTML code below and paste the above code exactly :
div.fullpost (display: none;)
div.fullpost (display: inline;)
To speed up the search code , please click of the Edit menu in the browser menu bar, then click Find (on this page write )..., ago then click find next button, it will automatically on the take it to the code.
* Is the next step, please copy the following code after the code and paste ago <$ BlogItemBody $> :
Read more!
Again To expedite the search code <$ BlogItemBody $>, please click of the Edit menu in the browser menu bar, then click Find (on this page )..., then write <$ BlogItemBody $> Then click find next, it will automatically take it to the code.
* Click the button labeled Save Settings
* The next step is to click the Settings
* Click the Formatting
* Shares down menu box next to any posts in the Post Template, nah fill empty boxes with the code below:
In fact the above step is not required has been done, but this will mean that in when we want to post the article, the code will appear automatically without the need to write in the first, of course this will be more easier and does not always have to remember the code.
* And do not forget to click the Save Settings
* Finish
How to Post Article
Okay, after some stage, now we go to the stage on how to post an article that there Readmore its menu.
* Click the Post
* Click on the Edit menu HTML, there will automatically appear that we keep the code before, namely:
store of the articles you want to show the code before <
, then save the rest of the article after
code and the code before To be clear, I give examples, eg his article thus: This is an example of any posts in the store at the beginning of the article that will always appear on our blogs, and other words that it will not appear.
Jika Anda menyukai Artikel di blog ini, Silahkan
klik disini untuk berlangganan gratis via email, dengan begitu Anda akan mendapat kiriman artikel setiap ada artikel yang terbit di
tutorial blog dengan bahasa asing ... memberikan kita kesempatan untuk memperoleh visitor dengan jangkauan yang sangat luas..
salut untuk sobat...
info yang keren dan sangat bermanfaat ..
succes 4 U. tetap semangat
oke sip
biar gak kepanjangan ya yan :D
mampir komeng 'n pollow,..
nice info, good post, keep update bro..
keep post
Wah, saya mah pake template baru...
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