However no denying social networking world is grounded, practically pamornya even able to keep up the blogging, Microblogging is quite famous as twiter began rivaled by the rise of features that began to offer social networking, facebook is the media that are developing twiter contender.
ops Topics discussed nonsense sudden huh? back go again, blogging tips that I tried this little segment is about the use of social networking in order to boost our blog visitors. how? the facebook for example. no bridge or pages feature fans, we can use that it would boost our popularity. I sure had a lot of know but may not apply because it is still in doubt or have no time to implement, yo let's therefore start from the real thing we already know. if you do not know, find out first before starting. ok?
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iya tapi saya sudah sembuh dari syndrom itu :D
wkwkkw..nice info sob. succes for all
gw bolak balik kagak ngarti nie .......
gaptek basa inggris kang ...
sayangnya saya sudah bosan ma facebook, lebih baik buat promosi web kita aja....
facebook bayak tarik pembayara di bulan juli 2010 ini. pada banyak mogok fb indo :l:
lagi2 kurang paham b.inggris
Keren dah.. Translate dulu yak.. hehehe
nice info sob, keep post the nice article
comen back plz
salam persahabatan bro
saya tunggu kunjungan baliknya
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